Jason Schoeters

I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow at DISIA of the University of Florence, joining Andrea Marino's team.

My main research interests are temporal graph theory, swarm intelligence, and optimization.
I also enjoy the occasional coding project and learning about new subjects.

Below is a video introducing myself and my research in the LIPNE team.

For more information, feel free to browse around or contact me via jason.schoeters.cs@gmail.com.


Below are my positions ever since obtaining my PhD. I did not include internships here, they are listed below in Education.

Postdoctoral research fellow

With Andrea Marino, we study temporal graph problems and also aim to create a link between Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT, or commonly referred to as blockchains) and temporal graphs. The former includes cycle detection and avoidance, and the latter includes modelisation and structural analysis.

2024 - 2025

Research associate

With Peter Bossaerts, we aimed to better understand the correlations and/or differences between human brains and computers artificial intelligence when faced with complex problems. One goal was to find and characterize problems where humans have the advantage, such as when intuition, context, and/or pattern recognition plays a key role.

2023 - 2024

Postdoctoral research fellow

With Eric Sanlaville, we have mainly studied connected components in temporal graphs, presenting numerous temporal extensions and corresponding structural and algorithmic results, which were either novel or which completed related work. A secondary subject considered dense spanners in temporal graphs, for which we obtained preliminary results.

2021 - 2022

Research and teaching assistant

A year mainly filled with teaching. I tied up some loose ends from my PhD and started new projects by myself or with new people. I also took some time to broaden my horizons and even obtaining results in other domains, including learning about probability theory with Luis Fredes and bioinformatics with Clément Larue.

2020 - 2021


Here is everything related to my education, including diplomas, internships, and qualifications.

French qualification for associate professor


Visiting PhD student

Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada

Subjects: Gossiping, influence diffusion, temporal spanners
at school of computing science, invited by Joseph G. Peters.

Winter 2020

PhD of theoretical computer science

Subject: Contributions to temporal graph theory and mobility-related problems [pdf]
at LaBRI, supervised by Arnaud Casteigts.

2017 - 2020

Master of theoretical computer science

Internship: VectorTSP
at LaBRI, supervised by Arnaud Casteigts.

2015 - 2017

Bachelor of computer science

Internship: Image processing, network theory and graphical art
at LaBRI, supervised by Guy Melançon.

2012 - 2015


This section is divided into Publications, Talks, Software development, and Students.


All my scientific papers and the international conferences and international journals they were peer reviewed and published by.

Temporal Spanner Enumeration

A. Conte, K. Kurita, V. Limouzy, A. Marino, G. Punzi, J. Schoeters, T. Uno

Conference version submitted


Edge Coverings of Temporal Vertices and Temporal Matchings

L. Cioni, R. Dondi, A. Marino, J. Schoeters, A. Silva

Conference version submitted


Temporal Cycle Detection and Acyclic Temporization

J. Araujo, D. de Andrade, A. Ibiapina, A. Marino, J. Schoeters, A. Silva

Conference version submitted


On inefficiently connecting temporal networks

E. Christiann, E. Sanlaville, J. Schoeters

Journal version TBD


3rd Symposium on Algorithmic Foundations of Dynamic Networks (SAND)


[Arxiv PDF]

Temporally connected components

S. Balev, E. Sanlaville, J. Schoeters

Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)



VectorTSP: A Traveling Salesperson Problem with Racetrack-like acceleration constraints

A. Casteigts, M. Raffinot, J. Schoeters

Under minor revision for Discrete Applied Mathematics (DAM) Special Issue


16th Int. Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Sensor Networks (ALGOSENSORS)


[Arxiv PDF]

Temporal Cliques Admit Sparse Spanners

A. Casteigts, J.G. Peters, J. Schoeters

Journal of Computer Systems and Science, Elsevier (JCSS), Vol. 121, 1-17


46th Int. Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP)


[Arxiv PDF]


All presentations and talks in seminars, open question sessions, team meetings, national conferences, international conferences and anything in between, including my PhD defense. During the COVID-19 pandemic, most of these were given online.

Temporal Cycle Detection and Acyclic Temporization

NESTID seminar, Durham, United Kingdom

November 15 2024

Learning-based classification and generation of temporal cliques

LIPNE complexity seminar, Cambridge, United Kingdom

April 12 2024

Knapsack Solution Robustness

LIPNE complexity seminar, Cambridge, United Kingdom

February 16 2024

On inefficiently connecting temporal networks

TEMPOGRAL workshop, Honfleur, France

February 7 2024

Economic networks seminar, Cambridge, United Kingdom

December 1 2023

LIPNE complexity seminar, Cambridge, United Kingdom

October 6 2023

Temporal graph satellite workshop of ICALP, Paderborn, Germany

July 10 2023

Temporal graph theory: structure and algorithmics

Microeconomics seminar, Cambridge, United Kingdom

February 10 2023

Temporally connected components

NESTID seminar, Durham, United Kingdom

May 4 2023

AlgoDist seminar, Bordeaux, France

April 24 2023

TEMPOGRAL seminar, Poitiers, France [slides]

November 24 2022
November 17 2022

Monte Carlo estimation, Quadtree approximation and exact computation of overlapping canopies

Heudiasyc CID seminar, Compiegne, France

April 12 2022

Notes on the maximum number of labels for temporal spanners

April 28 2021

Contributions to temporal graph theory and mobility-related problems

LaBRI PhD defense, Bordeaux, France [recording]

March 29, 2021

VectorTSP: A Traveling Salesperson Problem with Racetrack-like acceleration constraints

CITI CHROMA seminar, Lyon, France

May 10, 2022

AlgoTel, La Rochelle, France

September 22, 2021

LITIS RI2C seminar, Le Havre, France

June 15, 2021
September 14, 2020

ALGOSENSORS (online), Pisa, Italy [recording]

September 10, 2020

Racetrack and VectorTSP

SFU theory seminar, Vancouver, Canada

March 2, 2020

Temporal Cliques admit Sparse Spanners

LITIS RI2C seminar, Le Havre, France

May 31, 2022

ROADEF, Lyon, France

February 24, 2022

LIP6 complex networks seminar (online), Paris, France

November 10, 2020

SFU discrete maths seminar, Vancouver, Canada

February 18, 2020

AlgoTel (best student paper award), Narbonne, France

June 6, 2019

Workshop CoA, Roscoff, France

April 4, 2019

LaBRI distributed algorithms and graph and optimisation joined seminar, Bordeaux, France

March 11, 2019
November 15, 2018

Software development

All my coding projects, from experimental benchmarks for my own research subjects to automatic data processing for colleagues in biology. I mostly code in Java, due to my visualisation library of choice being JBotSim, although I prefer Python for small projects.

VectorTSP competition

J. Schoeters

Java program computing VectorTSP benchmarks for multiple algorithms adapted with multiPointAStar
Available on Github here


Monte Carlo estimation, Quadtree approximation, and exact computation
of overlapping canopied areas

C. Larue, J. Schoeters

Java program computing canopied areas covered by given buffer zone
Available on Github here
Visualization using JBotSim of the Monte Carlo method shown here, and of the Quadtree method shown here


Mobility models inducing temporal graph properties

A. Casteigts, J. Schoeters

Java library using JBotSim for inducing temporal graph properties in the underlying communication of mobile ad hoc networks
Available on Github here


Automatic analysis of large DNA genotyping data

C. Larue, J. Schoeters

Java program analyzing Excel DNA data files for potential mismatches of parent/child associations
Available on Github here



All the students I have (co-)supervised. As a rule, I prefer to work with my students as colleagues, not just teach them and review their findings.

Ahmad Raza Khan (Undergraduate IIT Kharagpur)

Project: Learning-based classification and generation of temporal cliques

Ongoing 2024+

Esteban Christiann (L3 ENS Paris-Saclay)

Internship: Dense spanners and related problems
at LITIS, co-supervised with Eric Sanlaville

Summer 2022

Valentin Pasquale (L3 ENS Lyon)

Internship: Algorithmic analysis of the fireworks technique
at LaBRI, co-supervised with Arnaud Casteigts

Summer 2019


Following is a list of the classes I have given over the years, currently totalling at more or less 350 hours.

To my students, I like to keep useful links here (recordings, test/answer sheets, ...) for this year's classes.
As is the case with everyone, teachers can forget; contact me via jason.schoeters.cs@gmail.com if something is missing.

University of Bordeaux

Mobility algorithms (2nd year Master of Networking)
Models for programming and computing (3rd year Bachelor of CS)
Techniques for algorithms and programming (3rd year Bachelor of CS)
Excel and CS basics (2nd year Bachelor of Economics and Management)
Array algorithms (1st year Bachelor of Math and CS)
CS basics (1st year Bachelor of Math and Science)
CS specialty (1st year Bachelor of Math and Science)

2020 - 2021

Mobility algorithms (2nd year Master of Networking)
Array algorithms (1st year Bachelor of Math and CS)
CS basics (1st year Bachelor of Math and Science)

2019 - 2020

Basic data structure algorithms (2nd year Bachelor of CS)
Networking (2nd year Bachelor of CS)

2018 - 2019

Basic data structure algorithms (2nd year Bachelor of CS)
Array algorithms (1st year Bachelor of Math and CS)

2017 - 2018

Bordeaux highschools

I was part of Maths à modeler in 2018, and of Math en jeans in 2019. Both aim to present some higher level maths (proper proofs, lower/upper bounds, divide and conquer, etc.) at highschools under the guise of an interesting and fun problem. For Maths à modeler, the students are generally guided along several weeks towards the solution(s) and props such as boards, tokens and tiles are often used to offer hands-on learning. Math en jeans leaves more room for the students to advance at the pace they like and in the direction they deem interesting. Both ultimately end with students presenting their findings at a seminar.


This section contains any other information which may be of interest.


I am particularly fond of reviewing scientific papers, as it helps me stay up to date within my research areas. Below is a collection of the national and international conferences and journals I agreed to review for.




2024 - present

ALGOWIN: program committee member
AlgoTel: program committee member
SAND: program committee member


ICALP temporal graph workshop: session chair
AlgoTel: program committee member


AlgoTel: program committee member


AlgoTel: graph session chair


Société Informatique de France: member
AlgoTel: shadow program committee member
IWOCA: organization committee member


AlgoDist seminar: co-organiser

2019 - 2021

AFoDIB: secretary and seminar head

2018 - 2021

FCT: organization committee member


Summer Schools

ResCom (assistant and attendant)


Events otherwise attending/attended

Free time

Climbridge at the Peak District, in the UK.

I am a founding member of bouldering and climbing club Climbridge, and am now part of the Club Alpino Italiano. I am a lifetime member of the Cambridge university chess club CUCC, and am currently learning to play Go with a local club.
When my social battery is depleted, I like to read fantasy and science-fiction books and watch series/movies. I keep a minimal effort of tracking the books I read on StoryGraph. I occasionally try my hand at drawing as well, for which I use Krita.
I play ukulele at the lowest level (currently learning the Wii music theme), and I like to attend concerts of rock group Rise Against.