This section is divided into Publications, Talks, Software development, and Students.
All my scientific papers and the international conferences and international journals they were peer reviewed and published by.
Temporal Spanner Enumeration
A. Conte, K. Kurita, V. Limouzy, A. Marino, G. Punzi, J. Schoeters, T. Uno
Conference version submitted
Edge Coverings of Temporal Vertices and Temporal Matchings
L. Cioni, R. Dondi, A. Marino, J. Schoeters, A. Silva
Conference version submitted
Temporal Cycle Detection and Acyclic Temporization
J. Araujo, D. de Andrade, A. Ibiapina, A. Marino, J. Schoeters, A. Silva
Conference version submitted
On inefficiently connecting temporal networks
E. Christiann, E. Sanlaville, J. Schoeters
3rd Symposium on Algorithmic Foundations of Dynamic Networks (SAND)
[Arxiv PDF]
Temporally connected components
S. Balev, E. Sanlaville, J. Schoeters
Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)
VectorTSP: A Traveling Salesperson Problem with Racetrack-like acceleration constraints
A. Casteigts, M. Raffinot, J. Schoeters
Under minor revision for Discrete Applied Mathematics (DAM) Special Issue
16th Int. Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Sensor Networks (ALGOSENSORS)
[Arxiv PDF]
Temporal Cliques Admit Sparse Spanners
A. Casteigts, J.G. Peters, J. Schoeters
Journal of Computer Systems and Science, Elsevier (JCSS), Vol. 121, 1-17
46th Int. Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP)
[Arxiv PDF]
All presentations and talks in seminars, open question sessions, team meetings, national conferences, international conferences and anything in between, including my PhD defense. During the COVID-19 pandemic, most of these were given online.
Temporal Cycle Detection and Acyclic Temporization
Learning-based classification and generation of temporal cliques
Knapsack Solution Robustness
On inefficiently connecting temporal networks
Temporal graph theory: structure and algorithmics
Temporally connected components
Monte Carlo estimation, Quadtree approximation and exact computation of overlapping canopies
Notes on the maximum number of labels for temporal spanners
Contributions to temporal graph theory and mobility-related problems
VectorTSP: A Traveling Salesperson Problem with Racetrack-like acceleration constraints
Temporal Cliques admit Sparse Spanners
AlgoTel (best student paper award), Narbonne, France
June 6, 2019
Software development
All my coding projects, from experimental benchmarks for my own research subjects to automatic data processing for colleagues in biology. I mostly code in Java, due to my visualisation library of choice being JBotSim, although I prefer Python for small projects.
VectorTSP competition
J. Schoeters
Java program computing VectorTSP benchmarks for multiple algorithms adapted with multiPointAStar
Available on Github here
Monte Carlo estimation, Quadtree approximation, and exact computation
of overlapping canopied areas
C. Larue, J. Schoeters
Java program computing canopied areas covered by given buffer zone
Available on Github here
Visualization using JBotSim of the Monte Carlo method shown here, and of the Quadtree method shown here
Mobility models inducing temporal graph properties
A. Casteigts, J. Schoeters
Java library using JBotSim for inducing temporal graph properties in the underlying communication of mobile ad hoc networks
Available on Github here
Automatic analysis of large DNA genotyping data
C. Larue, J. Schoeters
Java program analyzing Excel DNA data files for potential mismatches of parent/child associations
Available on Github here
All the students I have (co-)supervised. As a rule, I prefer to work with my students as colleagues, not just teach them and review their findings.
Ahmad Raza Khan (Undergraduate IIT Kharagpur)
Project: Learning-based classification and generation of temporal cliques
Ongoing 2024+
Esteban Christiann (L3 ENS Paris-Saclay)
Internship: Dense spanners and related problems
at LITIS, co-supervised with Eric Sanlaville
Summer 2022
Valentin Pasquale (L3 ENS Lyon)
Internship: Algorithmic analysis of the fireworks technique
at LaBRI, co-supervised with Arnaud Casteigts
Summer 2019